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What is HomeToGo?

Joan Talmadge | Updated 6/22/2023 is a search engine that aggregates vacation rentals from various sites, allowing users to search inventory across multiple platforms at one time. The advantage of an aggregator site is that users can search from one location and compare prices.

Why do we partner with HomeToGo?

Our partnership with HomeToGo started in December of 2019. Although we notified all homeowners at the time, many didn’t take note until they started to get some inquiries by way of the website. The reason we partner with aggregator sites is to increase our exposure to an audience that may not be familiar with WeNeedaVacation, especially with travelers nationwide or international. In addition, our participation helps us compete with competitors that are also in this space. The increased exposure provides brand recognition and lead generator opportunities. In fact, this year, 19% of vacationers who inquired initially thru HomeToGo, have subsequently sent an inquiry directly from the WeNeedaVacation site. Lastly, because we don’t charge vacationers a booking fee, as the booking sites do, many of our listings are shown as having the best price.

How do I get my listing to be shown on HomeToGo?

All active listings are eligible for inclusion on HomeToGo provided they meet a few requirements:
  • Property must have future availability.
  • Calendar must be kept up to date and have been updated within the last 30 days.
  • Listing is not due to expire within the next 2 days.

How does it work?

Any vacationer who finds your listing on HomeToGo may send an inquiry directly from that platform. The inquiry will be received by WeNeedaVacation and entered into your property’s inquiry history. You will then receive notification (email and/or text) in the same manner as a WeNeedaVacation inquiry. When you receive an inquiry from someone who initially saw your home on HomeToGo, you should reply with a direct link to your listing on WNAV and explain that your WNAV listing has the latest and most accurate information.


We provide HomeToGo with a price for each week, to which the tax is added. But as of this date, the system is not set up to gather additional fees that some owners charge, such as cleaning, pet, or linen fees. Thus, when you get an inquiry via HomeToGo, the price quoted might be different from the total price on your WNAV listing. You can clarify with vacationers the cause of the discrepancy. The pricing and availability on HomeToGo are updated once a day. Sometimes, however, it can take as many as 48 hours for HomeToGo to catch up.  So, it is possible to receive an inquiry for a week that you have just recorded as booked. We are continually working with HomeToGo to make the system more seamless.  Because they are an international company with a great deal of exposure, they bring us vacationers who may not have heard about our site. Once vacationers discover our site via HomeToGo, they tend to return year after year.  Our vacationer base is growing rapidly as a result, which is a great thing for all of us.
About Joan Talmadge

About Joan Talmadge: In 1996, my husband Jeff and I purchased our Cape home and began looking for a way to rent it out during the summer. That's when Jeff created WeNeedaVacation, and the rest is history! After teaching fifth grade for 8 years and spending 15 years writing and editing educational publications, I found myself transitioning into a new career as a business owner. Today, we're fortunate to have a wonderful team of capable, caring staff, and Jeff and I are especially proud that two of our three grown children work with us. After 26 summers of renting out our home, we now live here year-round and couldn't be happier. The Cape truly is magical, no matter the season.