We have been amazed at the number of calls we are receiving at both offices from vacationers looking to book for next summer. Historically, prior to the close of the current summer season, about 1/3 of vacationer inquiries are for the following summer. But by mid-September, this will jump to 2/3! So it is crucial that you enter your pricing and availability for next year as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that:
- Without next year’s pricing and availability, your listing will not come up in a search.
- You're more likely to get your asking price (no last-minute bargaining).
- You can take advantage of the early cash flow for off-season projects.
The trend in the industry has changed significantly with the booking season stretching to 12 months a year – in other words, vacationers are booking earlier in the fall and later into the summer than in the past. There are more and more early birds, with some vacationers scouting out next summer’s rental while they are here vacationing during the previous summer!
We often encounter resistance from homeowners who believe they need to keep their calendars closed for next season until they have received commitments from their repeat tenants or from family members. And other homeowners complain that they are simply worn out from this season and want a break. But we believe delaying is a mistake – and a costly one.
Be sure to read our blog posts about Entering Pricing for Future Seasons and honoring commitments to past tenants without losing future bookings.
To be clear: the vacationer demand is here now! So get ready, and set up your pricing and availability for next season!