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Expediting the Booking Process

Carrie Hillman | Updated 12/28/2021
What's the best way to convey the rental agreement to your guests? You can save both your guests and yourself valuable time by emailing or using an e-signature service. The NOW vacationer (see our earlier post) is looking for the swiftest confirmation of their rental. And homeowners are looking to confirm the booking and update their availability Calendars. Expediting the lease becomes particularly important if the rental date is imminent or multiple requests are being made for the same week. There are many options, but where do you start? Here is our quick and easy summary:

Emailing a lease

Many homeowners want a step up from the paper lease but aren’t ready to go fully electronic. Emailing a lease can still be clunky if the lease is being printed at some point in the process. In this case, the homeowner emails the lease to the vacationer and requests that they sign and return it by: Printing, signing, and snail mailing it back or Printing, signing, scanning, and emailing it back

Scanning the lease back to the homeowner

The vacationer can take a photo of the lease and email it back, or they can use a phone app like Genius Scan This blog may be helpful. It compares different phone scanning apps.

Requesting an electronic signature

Requesting an electronic signature is by far the quickest option for sending and receiving a lease. And electronic signatures are the enviro way to go—saving trees and shipping fuel! Here are some ways to request an electronic signature:


Signer's experience with DocuSign

How to send a DocuSign document

PandaDoc  Adobe Sign  Quicksprout compares some electronic signature options, including some that are free.  Capterra compares a few different options. 

Snail mail

Some homeowners still print and mail two paper copies of a lease to the vacationer. The vacationer signs one copy and then mails it back to the homeowner. This option takes some time and, with recent delays with USPS, could cause the vacationers to worry if they are anxious to confirm their summer vacation rental. Another consideration is that this is not a viable option for last-minute bookings. Ultimately, it is up to the homeowner to decide which option is the most efficient. But if you are flexible, you could offer a few options to your guests and see which they prefer! For information about accepting electronic payments, see our post about the Benefits of Offering Online Payment Options and Online Payment Options for Your Guests.      
About Carrie Hillman

About Carrie Hillman: Carrie has been visiting Cape Cod every summer since she was born. In 2017, her family purchased a farmhouse and spent a few years perfecting it before transitioning it to full-time rental. Now, they enjoy life in their own cozy cottage. 

Passionate about Cape Cod vacations, Carrie loves helping homeowners rent their properties and matching vacationers with their perfect getaway. When she's not doing that, she enjoys traveling, hiking, canoeing, and soaking up the sun with her family.