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CARE for the Cape Day in Brewster

Becky Fischer | Updated 12/18/2024

Last week sponsored the 3rd annual CARE for the Cape Day. CARE for the Cape & Islands is an organization that promotes travelers’ philanthropy and responsible travel. As stated in their mission statement, CARE seeks to encourage, support, and create opportunities for visitors to donate their “time, talent, and treasure” to help preserve and protect the very things they travel here to see and enjoy: exquisite natural beauty, plant and wildlife habitats, Cape & Islands culture and history. has supported CARE over the last few years with financial contributions and by sharing their literature to our homeowners. I sat on the board for two years from 2014 to 2016.

CARE for the Cape Day was held at the Museum of Natural History in Brewster, where about 35 volunteers gathered to participate in activities including planting the new Pollinator Path, one of CARE’s 2016 support projects, and planting for the museum’s upcoming plant sale. The cold weather didn’t stop us from playing in the dirt, shoveling, planting, weeding, and enjoying each other’s company.

The highlight of the day was our lunch meeting where CARE presented 9 grants to local environmental initiatives. Each recipient spoke about their passion and their efforts toward improving the Cape and Islands in some meaningful way. I was inspired by this powerful event and presentations.  

Below is a list of the grant recipients that represent the CARE sponsors’ unique projects throughout the Cape. 

Cape Cod CAN!

Natural Wonders Mural – Art for Cape Codders with disabilities

Cape Cool

Earth Day Songs and Seeds – Planting seeds to creatively slow climate change

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History (BWT Grant)

Pollinator Path – Building a butterfly house



Center for Coastal Studies (BWT Grant)

Cape Cod Whale Trail

Coastal Community Capital

Maritime Themed Cape-wide Itinerary Development

Falmouth Farmers Market and Compost With Me

Food Scrap Collection & Composting Education Project

Harwich Conservation Trust

Walking Trail Video Development

Nauset Middle School (BWT Grant)

"Charms for Change" 3D Recycled Printing Project for Cape teens

Yarmouth New Church 

Connecting Yarmouth Walking Trail Development

To learn more about CARE, please visit the Facebook page -

Website -

Blog post written by CARE founder, Jill Talladay, about how you can get involved -

About Becky Fischer

About Becky Fischer: I have worked for since 2003. Currently my position entails providing photography, video, and consultation services to vacation rental homeowners, and I have photographed over 700 homes on the Cape and Islands. My husband and three children moved to Brewster in 2006. I grew up outside of Boston, spent summer vacations on Nantucket, and was married in Orleans. My favorite activities on the Cape are walking on the CCRT, deep breaths at the beach, visiting great coffee shops, and working with my community to support the schools and local events.