Where: Yarmouth drive in, Yarmouth MA View Map
When: Saturday, August 1, 2020, 9:00 PM
How Much: $125, 125-185 for car depending on row. $25 any person over 4 to a car
Categories: Music
About Ripe...Yarmouth Drive in presents Ripe on August 1st. Live Music is finally back! Ripe will be performing live at the Yarmouth Drive In on August 1, 2020 at 9 pm. The drive in is able to present the show to a crowd of over 450 cars, while allowing all guests to safely socially distance. Ripe is a blend of rock, funk, R&B, jazz, and pop, so get ready for a night of fun! Tickets go on sale Tuesday, July 14 and can be purchased on https://yarmouthdrivein.com/.
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