About Onset Wareham Fireworks...The 2019 Wareham-Onset Fireworks display will be held on Saturday, July 6th, 2019 at approximately 9:00 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 7th, 2019.
FREE PARKING at Hynes and Lopes Fields off of Onset Ave
FOOD TRUCKS AND SOME VENDORS WILL BE AT THE BANDSHELL FROM NOON ON…For vending opportunities, please reach out to us at onsetvillage@gmail.com
Onset Pier parking will be strictly handicapped after 5:00 p.m.
Street closures begin at 6:00 p.m. to local traffic. Roads closed at 7:00 p.m.
Keep your eyes open for our “donation stations” located near Hynes Field, Dummy Bridge and Stonebridge. Our fundraising merchandise booth will be at the corner of Onset and Union Aves. We would like to keep this tradition alive and we need your help to make this happen. If you enjoy the show, please donate when you can.
There will be trash barrels around and a dumpster on the Pier. Please use them! Volunteers will also have trash bags available for you to use. You may either “pack it out” or find a dumpster. Any help we can get with trash pick up is greatly appreciated, especially off the beach!
Please respect each other, whether you live here or are just visiting. We love our little Village, and hope you will, too!
PLEASE STAY TUNED HERE OR ON OUR WEBSITE at www.onsetbay.org for up to date info.
We still need volunteers for this event! Please contact us at onsetvillage@yahoo.com for more information