About Art in America with Emily Watlington...Emily Watlington's work as a critic and curator of contemporary art focuses primarily on video through the lenses of affect theory, feminist theory, and disability studies. She holds a SMArchS in the History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art from MIT, and has given talks at a number of institutions including the University of California, Berkeley; Rhode Island School of Design; the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; and Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid. Her art criticism has appeared in numerous publications including Artforum, Mousse, Frieze, Another Gaze, Spike, and Art Review, and has been translated into German, French, and Croatian. Recently, she contributed to the exhibition catalogues Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1974-1995, Sheida Soleimani: Medium of Exchange, and An Inventory of Shimmers: Objects of Intimacy in Contemporary Art. In 2018, she received the Vera List Writing Prize in the Visual Arts.
Join us for a stimulating discussion! Refreshments following Q&A. Visit her website: https://emilywatlington.com/