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The ins and outs of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket

  • Wander off the beaten path and discover  unique sights and activites on Cape Cod and the Islands.

    15 Sights to See

    Visiting the Pilgrim Monument, Plymouth Rock, and the beaches of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are musts when vacationing on the Cape or Islands. Here are some perhaps lesser known, but no less impressive, sights to see and activities to enjoy when visiting Cape Cod and the Islands.

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  • Discover the perfect type of home for your next vacation on the Cape and Islands

    15 Types of Vacation Rental Homes

    WeNeedaVacation is turning 15! For 15 years we have been helping vacationers find the perfect vacation rentals on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Following are 15 types of vacation rentals. Which one will you choose for your next vacation?

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  • Chocolate, flowers, beach walks, and sunsets...enjoy Valentine's Day Cape and Islands style.

    Romance on Cape & Islands

    Chocolate, flowers, beach walks, and sunsets…enjoy Valentine's Day Cape and Islands style.

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  • Spots to sip, chat and surf on Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

    Coffee Spots on Cape & Islands

    Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket are home to a wonderful array of coffee shops ranging from comfy and cozy to funky and eclectic.

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  • Happy New Year from

    Happy New Year!

    The New Year is just around the corner, and that means creating a list of New Year’s resolutions.

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  • What are you most thankful for on Cape Cod? We have identified 5 reasons why we love Cape Cod in the off-season!

    Thankful on Cape Cod

    5 Reasons we feel Thankful on Cape Cod

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  • View a gallery of the 2012 Photo Contest finalists along with their nomination for 'Who Needs a Vacation'

    Who Needs a Vacation Finalists

    View a gallery of the 2012 Photo Contest finalists along with their nomination for "Who Needs a Vacation"

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  • Holiday season concerts, parties, breakfast with Santa and more in Brewster, Cape Cod.

    Brewster for the Holidays

    Don't miss the merrymaking as Brewster launches the holiday season with concerts, parties,breakfast with Santa, food, wine and candy tastings, free raffles, holiday exhibits, open houses, hayrides and more.

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  • What in the world are Scoders, Grebes, Eiders, Yellowlegs, Godwits, Warblers, and Plovers?  Come to Cape Cod and Islands in the fall months and find out.

    Cape & Islands Birding

    What in the world are Scoders, Grebes, Eiders, Yellowlegs, Godwits, Warblers, and Plovers? Come to Cape Cod and Islands in the fall months and find out.

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  • It is believed that the area of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are home to a multitude of ghosts that haunt various homes throughout the area.

    Haunted Houses

    It is believed that the area of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are home to a multitude of ghosts that haunt various homes throughout the area.

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