I have flown to Nantucket 5 times over the years. Each time I feel nervous about the little plane flying over the ocean. The "what ifs" run through my mind, even though I know that it is safe. Then, something special happens. I look out the window and see Hyannis Harbor, then total blue ocean full of fishing boats, and then the best part - aerial views of Nantucket.
No doubt, arriving to either Island via ferry is magical and gives me goosebumps. I usually take the ferry. The rare times I fly in are really breathtaking.
Each time I marvel at the pure beauty. The unique viewpoint from above. Trying to identify each area of the Island as we circle overhead towards the airport. Words do not do the experience justice, so here are some pictures.
Great Point Lighthouse
For information about visiting Nantucket, or for making ferry or flight reservations, please visit Nantucket events, rentals, dining, and more!
About Becky Fischer: I have worked for WeNeedaVacation.com since 2003. Currently my position entails providing photography, video, and consultation services to vacation rental homeowners, and I have photographed over 700 homes on the Cape and Islands. My husband and three children moved to Brewster in 2006. I grew up outside of Boston, spent summer vacations on Nantucket, and was married in Orleans. My favorite activities on the Cape are walking on the CCRT, deep breaths at the beach, visiting great coffee shops, and working with my community to support the schools and local events.