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Nantucket Events

View events on Nantucket on or after 3/30/2025

Nantucket Island Daffodil Festival

Where: Nantucket town

When: -

How Much: Free

Categories: Festival

Visit town early to view the beauteously bedecked vintage cars line up on Main Street. (Drivers are often garbed in themes costume!) Vote on your favorites “People’s Choice” ballots are available outside the Chamber office at Zero Main Street. Car staging begins at more

Nantucket Wine Festival

Where: The White Elephant/ Nantucket Island, Nantucket town

When: -

How Much: $225, Ticket price depends on event and time slot

Categories: Food/Wine

With the help of island purveyors, restaurants and retailers, founder Denis Toner created what would become one of the most prestigious events of its kind. When the first vintners arrived to the island and bottles were uncorked, a magical tradition was launched. The more

Annual Figawi Regatta Weekend

Where: Nantucket town, Nantucket town

When: -

How Much: Free

Categories: Sports

A true harbinger of summer, the annual Figawi Race from Cape Cod to Nantucket has earned widespread recognition, not only as a prestigious sailing event, but as one of New England’s best parties of the year. People from all over swarm the Island on Memorial Day more

Nantucket Film Festival

Where: Nantucket town

When: -

How Much: $75, see website for ticket prices

Categories: Film

The Nantucket Film Festival was founded in 1996 by siblings Jill and Jonathan Burkhart. The Burkharts lived on the island year-round, and knew it was the perfect place to begin a festival that combined with their love of film and community. In 1997, Mystelle Brabbée more

Nantucket 4th of July Fireworks

Where: Nantucket town


How Much: Free

Categories: 4th of July

Main Street Morning Activities 10AM-Noon Starts with the reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Unitarian Church around the corner on Orange Street at 10:00am, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and then performances by students from the more

Nantucket Garden Festival

Where: Nantucket town

When: -

How Much: Free

Categories: Garden

The 16th Annual Nantucket Garden Festival highlights the unique and beautiful garden ecosystems on Nantucket and focuses on the importance of sustainability, conservation and gardening ethics for the long-term health of the island. The festival celebrates gardening more

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