We are excited to share our beach house with you! Ferry tickets possible. Cottage is also available to add to the home rental-see below. There is also a shed for safely storing your outdoor gear. We have many reviews from other satisfied guests that we are happy to share with you. We have been hosting guests at various properties for over 5 years. More pictures available by email.
Enjoy this coveted Lambert’s Cove Beach location with beach passes. This pristine, picturesque island favorite beach is private to West Tisbury residents and much less crowded than the public beaches. It's all just a 4 min walk out the backdoor- Sunrises & sunsets on the beach are right at your fingertips! A refreshing outdoor shower as well. A charming setting where the whole family will be entertained on the 1 acre property surrounded by stone walls offers endless entertainment and games galore- cornhole, volleyball, badminton, ping pong, darts or opt for the hammock.
Our 1900 farmhouse was thoughtfully renovated in 2023 to retain the vintage charm with new furniture & appliances plus new mattresses, fresh paint, refinished floors and remodeled bathrooms. Gorgeous real hardwood floors throughout, shiplap ceilings and luxurious king beds too!
For outdoor relaxation, the front porch rockers or screened in porch are perfect for morning coffee. In addition, a wrap around deck with plenty of shade or sun, outdoor dining seating for 14, lounge chairs, rocking chairs, fire pit and picnic table on the lawn are waiting for you. Take advantage of afternoon naps on the deck or sneak off for some solitude in the hammock.
Across the street is Manaquayak Preserve with trails and quiet neighborhood lanes to enjoy walking, biking, running. Just 1/2 mile down Manaquayak Lane from the house is a path to Ice (Old) House freshwater pond for swimming. The Preserve also includes Rainwater Pond, a wonderful spot for bird-watching to spot Peregrine Falcons and Upland Sandpipers.
Seth's freshwater Pond is also across the street right on Lamberts Cove Rd and is great for wading, swimming, fishing & kayaking.
House: 5 Bedrooms/8 Beds, 2.5 Bathrooms plus outdoor shower. Need more space? Add the cottage.
House plus Cottage: 6 Bedrooms/11 Beds, 2 full bathrooms, 2 half bathrooms plus outdoor shower -Additional charge of $299/night. See below for cottage description.
HOUSE DOWNSTAIRS: Bedroom two twin beds & half bath (sink & toilet)-the half bath can also conveniently be accessed through the mudroom; Bedroom with Queen bed, sofa & Smart TV accessed solely with a separate entrance; Kitchen with butler's pantry; Living room with 50”Smart TV; Washer/dryer; Dining room with table for 8 plus drop leaf kitchen table to seat 4 more; Screened in porch; Deck w/BBQ, loungers, rockers, & outdoor dining table for 14.
HOUSE UPSTAIRS: 1st Bedroom King bed & single trundle, ensuite bathroom with clawfoot shower/tub; 2nd Bedroom King bed, ensuite bathroom with shower; 3rd bedroom with 2 twin XL beds- accessed through narrow stairs serving only this room or accessed through 2nd Bedroom.
COTTAGE: Large 480 sq ft Studio w/fridge, microwave, coffee pot, King bed, 2 twins, Half bathroom, Sofa, Smart TV, A/C and Outdoor Shower. Great for kids or adults who want a little more space or privacy.
Home includes the below plus more:
Towels but not wash cloths
Bed linens
A/C, W/D, Dishwasher
Smart TV but No Cable
Large 5 burner BBQ with extra side burner for skillet
Outdoor shower
Beach carts
Beach umbrella, towels, chairs, coolers
Games, cards, puzzles, books
High chair, pack n play, baby gate
Lambert's Cove on Martha's Vineyard is unique as it has a wonderful rural feel yet is only a ten minute drive to the amenities of downtown Vineyard Haven. The ocean and pond swimming nearby are exquisite. There are miles of walking trails that begin at the pond winding through forests and farm fields.
Wooded, quiet lanes across the street with paths to Ice (Old) House fresh water pond make for a perfect walk, run or bike ride. Enjoy swimming, kayaking & paddleboarding.
Swimming & Fishing:
Lambert’s Cove Beach- 1 min drive
Ice House & Seth's fresh water ponds -2 min drive
Blackwater Farm and Ghost Island farm stands 1 mile away with fresh eggs, meat, and flowers
Local Scottish House Bakery 3 miles away serving light fare
Black Dog Bakery - 8 min. serves breakfast, lunch, dinner or just stop in for coffee, baked goods, and pies.
Woods Restaurant in Lambert’s Cove Inn 2 min
State Road Restaurant 6 min
Farm stand 1.5 miles away
Cronigs Market 4 min
West Tisbury summer Farmers Market Wed & Sat
West Tisbury 8 min- Alley’s General Store, Farmers Market, cafes, shops, sandwiches at 7A.
Vineyard Haven Ferry 12 min
Oak Bluffs 15 min
All Star Martha's Vineyard Bike Rentals -drops bikes to you
Farm Neck Golf & Tennis- 15 min
Trivia Thursday Night- Black Dog Bakery
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