We will email you an invoice a month or so before your listing’s expiration date.
You may pay online by credit card or PayPal, or by mailing us a check. Note: If
you have fewer than the 10 pictures included in each subscription, upload your remaining
pictures through Picture Central. Or, if you have new pictures, feel free to upload
replacement pictures. If you are reducing the number of pictures, please call or
email us to identify which ones you would like removed (pictures can only be removed
from our end).
If your listing has been inactive for a while, you must update your pricing and
availability as well as your property information (including any new amenities).
Upon renewal, it is important to review and update your contact information. If
you do not renew, we will retain all of your contact and property information for
easy reactivation at a later time.
Renewing your expired listing? Don’t start over!
If you are renewing your expired listing, please keep your same property ID, and
do not create a new listing! All expired listings remain just as they were when
last active, so all you need to do is log in and update any information as needed
per above.