Brewster Vacation Rentals (181)
Ocean Edge Vacation Rentals (18)
Chatham Vacation Rentals (173)
Harwich Vacation Rentals (164)
Orleans Vacation Rentals (168)
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View all 704 Lower Cape Cod Vacation Rentals
Located in the "elbow" section of the arm of the Cape, the Lower Cape includes the towns of Harwich, Brewster, Chatham, and Orleans. Vacationers love the gentle waves and temperate waters of the south-facing Nantucket Sound beaches in Harwich and Chatham. Brewster offers the gentle waves and tidal waters of Cape Cod Bay to the north. At low tide, the shallow tidal pools are fun for young children to explore and for clamming. Home on the east-facing side of Orleans enjoy the dramatic, nearly 10-mile long stretch of Nauset Beach on the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes much of the southern section of the Cape Cod National Seashore, which stretches from Provincetown to Chatham and is noted for its cold water, high surf, and spectacular, wide, sandy beaches.